目前欧盟各国对于包装物基本要求事项之实施,处于观望态度。由欧盟标准组织CEN 所制定使用于欧盟包装物指令的各项标准,共计有编号为EN13427:2000~EN13432 等六项标准。其中: EN 13427 为解释EN13428-13432这五项标准之间关联性的标准(类似ISO14000); EN 13428 为包装物产品减量预防标准;&···...
原先由美国生物分解制品研究所(BPI)对有资格使用可堆肥标志的产品、树脂和包装的认证工作,现已交由美国国家卫生基金会(NSF)进行,双方已经签订了相关协议。 BPI负责人说:此举使得该认证在地位和知名度上都提升到了前所未有的高度,与全球知名的第三方认证机构展开合作,有助于提高认证的公信力。 &nbs···...
What is a Seedling license? The ABA has launched the ‘seedling logo’ certification system throughout Australia and New Zealand. The seedling logo is used to clearly identify and di···...
对于通过不同材料形成的包装,被要求有可堆肥性和厌氧可处理性,即生物降解能力。 主要通过以下特性来评估包装材料的合格: 1. 化学特性: 包装材料和包装零部件应该含有至少50%的挥发性固体,这···...
FDA是美国食品和药物管理局(Food and Drug Administration)简称,是美国政府在健康与人类服务部 (DHHS) 和公共卫生部 (PHS) 中设立的执行机构之一。 作为一家科学管理机构,FDA 的职责是确保美国本国生产或进口的食品、化妆品、药物、生物制剂、医疗设备和放射产品的安全,是最早以保护消费者为主要职能的联邦机构之一。在国际上,FDA 被公认为是世界上最大的食品与药物管理机构之一,许多国家都通过寻求和接收FDA的帮助来促进并监控其本国···...
The Korean bioplastics industry has witnessed a remarkable growth as the seventh in the world to successfully establish itself commercially. Since 1993, the development of Korea’s bioplast···...
What is a Seedling Licenses? The ABA has launched the ‘seedling logo’ certification system throughout Australia and New Zealand. The seedling logo is used to clearly···...
COMPOSTABLE The right to use the mark of conformity "COMPOSTABLE" on compostable plastic bags is granted only t···...
Seedling License What is a Seedling license? The ABA has launched the ‘seedling logo’ certification system throughout Australia and New Zealand. The seedling logo is used to clearly identify and di···...
可降解物质/产品测试认证-可降解标志 可降解产品认证相关标准: -DIN V 54900,“Testing of the compostability of plastics”(replaced by DIN EN 13432) ···...
BPI是Biodegradable Products Insitute(可降解产品协会)的缩写。 BPI通过创新的可堆肥标签方案,教育生产商、立法者和消费者关于可降解材料的科学标准。同时通过一系列程序确保相关产品达到可降解材料标准的要求。 可降解材料涉及的产品有:袋子和薄膜,食品包装袋,树枝,包装材料或其他有机无机产品。 BPI认证基于产品通过ASTM D6400、ASTM D 6868、ASTMD 6866的长期性···...
From the Belgian head office in Vilvoorde, and from the 13 other establishments throughout the world, more than 2,500 employees serve in excess of 15,000 industrial customers. If you call on Vinçotte’s services, you have the certainty ···...
Former Biodegradable Plastics Society, Japan (BPS) has changed the name to Japan BioPlastics Association (JBPA) on 15th of June 2007. Japan BioPlastics Association (JBPA) was established in 1989 Japan as the name of Biodegradable Plastics So···...
DIN CERTCO operates a certification scheme for compostable products made of biodegradable materials and licenses the use of the corresponding Mark developed by European Bioplastics (the former IBAW Interest Group for Biodegradable Materials)....