The procedure to get an ACS approval

You will find below the procedure to get an ACS:
In order to be able to provide you with an ACS, it is necessary in a first time to submit an ACS request
file to our lab.

Generally speaking data required are (you will find enclosed a table which can help you to prepare your
file) :

        -Description of the representative accessory. 
        -Data sheet with cuts of the representative accessory that identifies the different pieces coming into
         contact with water.

        -Operating auxiliaries (grease, adhesive, lubricant, glue…). 
        -Composition: list of constituent materials, surface area in contact with the water.
      -Name and address of material suppliers


When you submit your file, we assess it and send you a status of your file.
There are 2 solutions:
- the file is not complete and we ask you for additional data
- the file is complete, we classify your accessory with regards to the regulation and we submit you a
  quotation  presenting the costs of the full procedure.

If all the organic surface is ACS approved and if the metals are in accordance with French regulation,
you can get an ACS without migration test. This type of ACS will cost 600 euros.

On the contrary, if migration test is needed, the cost of the procedure is from 2600 euros to 3500 euros.
- 1 file assessment = 120 euros / hours
- 1 chemical composition assessment = from 180 to 560 euros depending on the complexity of the
   material to be assessed

- 1 migration test = 2000 euros
- 1 ACS issue = 600 euros

Migration test , the issue of test report and ACS certificate last from 6 to 8 weeks.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you require any further information.

Best regards,

Buick Huang
Tel: 0086 592 5522220
Fax:0086 592 5596933
